Become a Sponsor

Over 2,500 members of the Broomfield community attend the annual walk-through of JAM’s Open House prior to the Midnight event. This is a fabulous recognition opportunity for local businesses and individuals who support the students at Broomfield High School!

If you are a local business who would like to support this drug- and alcohol-free event by sponsoring a room or activity, or by donating cash, prizes, or food, please contact us at for more information.


  • With any donation of $25 or more J.A.M. will proudly recognize those individuals and businesses in the following ways…

  • Your name/business listed in a THANK YOU article of the Broomfield Enterprise.

  • Your name or business displayed in the JAM Event Program that will be given out to community members at the Open House.

  • Your name/business displayed down our Gratitude Walk for all the community to see. (An average of 2,000 people walk through our Open House).

  • Your name/business listed on the JAM website..


$25 Donation (Bronze): Receive all the above.

$100 Donation (Silver): $100 Donation: All the above, PLUS your name/business featured on our Facebook page.

$250 Donation (Gold): All the above, PLUS your name/business will be displayed on the Broomfield Eagle Marquee for everyone in the community to see!

$500 Donation (Elite): All of the above PLUS a 2’ x 4’ Professionally Printed Color Vinyl Banner with your logo and contact information to be displayed on the fence by the Marquee at the busy intersection of Eagle Way and Main Street, a week prior to JAM and a week following JAM. You will also receive (3) Shout Outs on our Facebook page in both March and April.

$1,000 Donation (Premier): All of the above, PLUS a LARGER 3’x5’ Professionally Printed Color Vinyl Banner with your logo and contact information to be displayed on the fence by the Marquee at the busy intersection of Eagle Way and Main Street, a week prior to JAM and a week following JAM.

Thank you again for your support!

Your donation will support our goal of keeping kids off the street and in a safe and fun environment after Prom ends. As stated by the Broomfield Police Chief, Tom Deland:

“Many surrounding communities have experienced tragedies involving school-aged students and alcohol at graduation time. Fortunately, it has been many years since our community has experienced a serious injury or death of a student due to drinking and driving. I believe that a significant factor in our success has been the J.A.M. program and it deserves all the support that the members of our community can give it.”

Thank you for your continued support of JAM!