If you’re looking for a way to have fun, get involved, and support our kids – join the JAM Team!
The entire JAM event is planned and created by parents and volunteers for the Broomfield community. It takes over 400 volunteers spending anywhere from one to one hundred hours to make this event happen. Our volunteers design, create, and bring JAM to life with their enthusiasm and time, bringing each year’s top-secret JAM theme to life to delight our students and have a successful night of safe fun!
Volunteer Meetings
Curious about what JAM’s all about? Stop by our Volunteer Meeting! JAM volunteers will meet monthly on the second Monday at 7 p.m. in the JAM Shed.
It’s never too early to get involved!
Whether you have a middle schooler, an underclassman, or a Senior, it’s never too early to get involved with JAM. Many of our parent volunteers start when their students enter high school – and in fact, these volunteers are vital to handing off the tradition as parents and students graduate and move on to other things. As enrollment at Broomfield High School grows, and class sizes increase each year, it’s important for parents from all grades to be involved!
If you have an hour, a day, a week, or a month, we have volunteer opportunities that fit your schedule.
Prizes and Sponsorship Committees: Contact the community businesses that have donated to JAM for many years and get prizes and donations.
Fundraising Team: Help plan our three main fundraising events for JAM - our January Gift Card Drive, our CU Buffs Hospitality opportunities, and our May Drive Event.
Plating Team: JAM earns good money each time we provide volunteers for banquets and gala events, volunteer your time for these fun and profitable opportunities.
Room Chairs: Plan the theme of each room, coordinate their own teams, and create the décor and props they need.
Painters and Designers: Stop by the JAM Shed in Feb, Mar, and April to help with odd jobs that include painting murals and designing items/props for the rooms.
Friday Night Set Up: We need 175 volunteers to transform the high school into each year’s top secret theme. Come for an hour or for the whole evening. Dinner will be served to volunteers Friday night, and we provide snacks during final set up on Saturday.
Event Volunteers: We need 100 volunteers to staff the event – from Poker and Black Jack Dealers, to Craps and Roulette table bosses, as well as other fun activities and food service. We’ll provide all the training you need!
Food Committee: Not only do we provide food for the kids during the JAM event, but we serve dinner and snacks to our volunteers during setup and tear down. We need 15 volunteers for the food committee.
Sunday Morning Tear Down: 175 volunteers are needed for Sunday morning clean up the day after JAM.
Questions about volunteering? Email us at broomfieldhighjam@gmail.com.