JAM is 100% funded through generous donations from our BHS parents, businesses in our community, and grants from foundations and civic organizations. We also do fundraising throughout the year to raise additional funds. We are so appreciative of all the donations and support. We truly could not do what we do without everyone!
Our main fundraisers for the year are:
January Gift Card Drive
January Citizen of the West Dinner at The Stock Show - plating fancy salads, dinners, and desserts for over 500 VIPs.
February Food Card Drive
CU Buffs Concessions: JAM earns good money each time we provide volunteers for home CU games so please volunteer your time for these fun and profitable opportunities. This runs from September through February.
Direct Donations: We need donations of cash as well as goods and services for prizes and giveaways. If you would like to make a cash donation, you can drop off a check in the front office or send your check to:
Broomfield High School
c/o JAM
One Eagle Way
Broomfield CO 80020
For donations of goods or services please email us at:
As always, thank you all for your incredible support. Broomfield is an amazingly generous community, and we couldn't do it without you!